Wednesday 14 July 2010

Am I downhearted ?

Well, yes, I was.   But have I been idle?  No!   8lbs of blackcurrant jam from my own bushes and I have been working on this fellow..........

And this is what he is looking like.  I see immediately that his beak is wrong (the comb and wattle are only pinned on fortunately) and he obviously needs a lot more work.   But he has kept me busy today and I think
I am going to be quite pleased with him !    My 'studio' (aka the conservatory for COS) is covered in scraps  of fabric and I have the U3A embroidery women coming tomorrow afternoon and George has a church meeting in the evening so tomorrow MUST be a tidying up and putting the duster round morning.  Yuk.


  1. A fine chap indeed!

    Our blackcurrants need picking... I was thinking blackcurrant jelly.

    And - it's raining proper rain this morning, hope it is falling on your garden too (it's St Swithin's Day... does that mean...?)


  2. I have a morning like that lined up too. Ugh.

    He certainly is a very fine fellow!

  3. Hope that downhearted feeling has passed Mavis. The cockerel is looking rather splendid!
